Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A month after!!

It's been more than a month since my last post,how i wish i could write more often. Everytime when i sit down to write there will always be something, someone or a phone call that will distract me from doing so.HUH!!!!!!! NO EXCUSES!!
But the last one month was really a great adventure with God, so much had happened in my personal life and in our ministry. First it was the EMERGE in CHC(i wish i could write more on this next time when i have more time. It was just another life changing experience for me and my leaders)then we had the 'Sex education' teaching in one of the Jr high school(gonna write more of this in my next post), then we had the 劉畊宏 concert(that was just AWESOME!but we learnt so much from this concert), then did a 'Training session'for the leaders in Pst Wang' church in Xin Chu (great breakthrough there!), then had to deal with issues that surrounded some of our members (BIG ones!!), right after that had to deal with another SERIOUS personal prob of one of my leader (That really took a lot of my time, emotion, energy, sleep.... that is what pastoring is about; protecting, guiding, loving, encouraging and strengthening my sheep. Praise God he is back on track again!!! this is one of the most EXCITING part of pastoring; seeing people fall and rising up again and becoming stronger and bolder for JESUS)
The last one month i experienced God as my PROVIDER, COMFORTER, HELPER, TEACHER,ROCK and FORTRESS. He guided and comforted me through the valley, He rejoiced and shouted with me in the mountain top. He is always FAITHFUL yesterday, today and forever! amen!

Father, i want to thank for keeping me and leading me into the path of righteousness. I was weak but did not fall, i was poor but was not in lack, i was afraid but did not fear. Thank u for strengthening me when i am weak, thank u for prospering me when i am poor, thank u for the faith when i am afraid.
Thank u for being my shepherd and making me lie down in green pastures and beside still water. Even though i walked throught the valley of the shadow of death, but i did not stumbled for you were there with me, your rod and staff comforted me. You prepared a table for me in the presence of my enemies, you annointed me with oil and made my cup overflows. Thank u for goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, thank u for all the breakthroughs and victories. I will dwell in your house forever Lord. AMEN!!!!