Friday, May 18, 2007

MOTHER -- Best gift from God

This year mother's day was just awesome!!! we had so many mom in our youth service this year,praise God!!! We really ROCKED the nite.. YAA!!

The BEST part was that i was able to clear some of the wrong concepts and doubts in the mind of these parents. I realized that most parents object their kids from coming to church was because of one wrong concept, ie, 'Christianity is a religion that don't honor our ancestors and parents.' But that is WRONG WRONG WRONG!! Coz when we look at the Bible; the greatest commandment is to love God whole heartedly and loving people fervently. Matt 22:37-39. In fact, the fifth commandment in the 10 commandment is to respect and honor our father and mother.

When God created Adam and Eve the first commandment He gave them was to establish FAMILY.
Gen 1:28 God gave them his blessing and said: Have a lot of children! Fill the earth with people and bring it under your control. Rule over the fish in the ocean, the birds in the sky, and every animal on the earth.

When we look at the four Gospels we can see how beautifully the Bible recorded the relationship between Jesus and his mother. From the very beginning of Jesus' life till His death and even after that.... the Bible has kept the record of it. It's really the best illustration of a relationship between a mother and son.

1. Jesus started His first hour in His mother' arm Lk 2:1-7.
2. When Jesus was 12 Mary walked the extra miles back to Jerusalem to bring Jesus home. Lk 2:42-46
3. When Jesus started His ministry at age 30 Mary gave Him an opportunity to perform his first miracle. Jn 2:3-5
4. At age 33 when Jesus was hung on the cross Mary was at the foot of the cross to gave Him strength and courage to complete his life mission. Jn 19:25-27
5. Finally when He rose from His death Mary was there to witness the empty tomb. Lk 24: 1- 12
6. Even after Jesus ascended to heaven Mary was still around, she was there to witness the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:12-14

From these passages we can see how important and precious it is for a child to be connected to his/her mother.

5 most precious gifts from our mom:
1. Mother gives us LIFE
2. Mother gives us a WARM HOME
3. Mother gives us OPPORTUNITY to step into our DESTINY
4. Mother gives us STRENGTH and COURAGE to fulfill our life MISSION
5. Mother gives us her TRUST

So what can we do for our mom on Mother's day?

M = Make her a card
O = Order her a flower
T = Take her to the best restaurant
H = Help her do the house works
E = Embrace and kiss her
R = Remind her that you love her

Father, i want to thank you for giving me the best and most wonderful mom in this whole universe.
Without her i wouldn't be here to enjoy this abundant life
Without her i wouldn't have such a warm and cozy home
Without her i wouldn't have this opportunity to do what i am doing today
Without her i wouldn't have the strength and courage to continue my journey Without her i wouldn't be able to believe in myself
Thank you Jesus, may you continue to pour down your blessing upon her, let your love, joy and peace continue to overflow her life. May your angels be around her to protect her from all harm and evil. I prayed you will return to her double portion of all the sacrifices she made for this family.
I commit her once again into your loving hands. Amen!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Our Story

Here is a clip of my mom and myself sharing our old days :)
Will write more on this later....

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Grace Youth vs Starbucks

What would life be without coffee??? especially STARBUCKS!! (declaration: starbucks didn't pay me for this blog ^^) Hey! i am serious, i was really pondering on this question! When i looked at my day in and day out, i just can't help thanking God for coffee.
When God created the heaven and earth coffee was in his mind too... wow!!! I guess coffee was created on the third day coz on the thrid day He created vegetation; seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it.... Gen 1:11 (That's a revelation for me this week.. :)
Just wondering what God did on the seventh day when he declared rest. Did He had a cup of coffee to refreshed His day? (Starbucks?) Just curious!!!! :)

Some facts about our ministry and Starbucks

1. I typed 70-80% of my sermons while having caramel machito (with a lot and lot of caramel) in Starbucks

2. Most of the important decisions of our ministry were made while having coffee with my leaders in Starbucks

3. This year Easter drama production script were written while having a cup of coffee in Starbucks; we spent 10 hrs there that day! CRAZY!!!

4. I wrote down our ministry 2007 vision while enjoying a cup of coffee in Starbucks

5. The gifts we gave our congregations in our last two events were products of Starbucks

6. Twice in the last 2 months i had such a tangible encountered with the Holy Spirit while reading my bible in Starbucks. I cried buckets!!! That proves that our God is 'Omnipresent' :)Yes, He is!!!!!!

7. One of the name in my '2007 Most Wanted Person to Evangelise' is a store manager of a Starbucks which i go often. His name is Mill (we have become great friend now, praise God!!pray for him if you happen to read this blog :)

8. In 2004.1.1 while having coffee in Starbucks the Holy Spirit impressed in my heart to rise up in prayer and have faith to see my parent save in ONE YEAR time. My parent received salvation in Nov 2004. A REAL MIRACLE!!!!

Thank you Jesus for COFFEE!!!!